How to Discipline Children? Check Out Some of the Following Tips

Disciplining children is not easy. Many parents are wrong in terms of disciplining children. They prefer rough and violence ways, including corporal punishment in dealing with bad behavior with a reason to discipline the child. They don’t understand that violent ways are not effective to do.

Don’t use corporal punishment to discipline children

Disciplining children with violence and corporal punishment actually be bad for the mental development of children, this has been proven by numerous studies. Many parents expect the violence to make children understand, but the fact that children has the potential to emulate the ways of violence perpetrated by parents to address any later in life.


7 Ways to discipline children

Then, how to discipline children? Check out some of the following tips:

1.    Parents should be firm

Parents should know that discipline requires firmness, not violence. Parents should be firm about right and wrong behavior, what should be done and not, both good or bad behavior. Remember this, when children violate the rules you have set, do not use corporal punishment such as hitting, slapping, and so on. Be firm in terms of consequences to the children because of their behavior. So, when children violate the rules you set, your next task is to provide consequences, not punish. That way, children will learn that it would always be the consequences of any behavior. You also need consistency firmness. This means that parents should not be wishy washy when instilling values and rules to children.

2.    Try to say "yes" more often than to say "No"

Children tend to not like the word "no" and "do not". They caught these words as something annoying and limiting their expression. Therefore, it would be much better if the parents choose a lot of the word "yes" to the child. For example, a child does not want to eat and have always wanted to watch TV. You can say, "yes, you are allowed to watch TV after you eat". Or to other cases, "yes you should play the game when the holiday".

3.    The logical explanation of rules

Use a logical explanation to tell the children why they should not do something or why they had to do something. For example, do not tell children that the rice and food will cry if there are leftovers on their plates. You should choose a more logical explanation, for example, "If you do not want to eat, then your body will be limp and without strength. If you are without strength so you will not be able to play and perform other activities later ".

4.    Give an example to children

Parents should give a good example to the children in accordance with the rules made by the parents. Because children will be much faster to absorb something by imitating what is usually seen.

For example, when parents forbid children not to watch too much TV, so parents should limit themselves to watching TV. When parents forbid children oversleep, then parents should also be pointed out to the children not to oversleep. Don’t apply one rule to the children, but you are actually violating the rules in front of children. How children can listen and follow your rules, if you are actually violate the rules.

Another important thing that should be known by parents is children are more likely to follow and learn from what you "do" rather than what you "say". So, the obvious example would be more effective than just the rules in the form of words to the children.

If you violate what you have set in front of your child, be honest to your child, admitting that it was wrong. After admitted to the children, point out again that what you violate is wrong, should be fixed and should not happen again. In this way, parents teach children about the value of honesty and courage to admit mistakes, as well as educating children to want to correct the mistakes.

5.    More familiar and warm relationship to the child

Parents would have to be warmer and more familiar to the child. This is important because children can be more open to their parents. Children can also put more "respect" to their parents. So, the rules set by their parents will be more readily accepted by children.

Make it a routine gathering with children, such as eating together or watch a TV show together. Use the time together to the close relationship between the child and parents and provide opportunities for children to "speak out" about the thoughts and desires. Make your time together is a pleasant moment, not a parent’s "judgment" moment for the mistakes of the child.

6.    Patience is still needed

It is not easy to make children aware of the rules that you have set. It takes patience from the parents to be able to educate and discipline their children. When you apply one rule to the child, the child will not necessarily immediately follow you. It may be that after so many times, children know and want to follow what is set by their parents. Don’t be easily moved by emotion and anger when the child is still hasn’t been able to disciplined as expected by parents.

In addition, parents also have to be patient in explaining the rules and the consequences for the child. Children are now more critical. They really want to know for sure, why they should or should not do something.

Be like a "friend" to the child when giving explanations to the child. In this way, children will be expected to be more receptive to what you say.

7.    Parents should also be "one voice".

Parents are the father and mother should be one voice in terms of instilling rules to children. Do not make children become confused when the father said shouldn’t be doing "A", while the mother being permissive which allow children to "A. Children will be confused, which one is correct rules. For that, both parents (father and mother) should also be discussed first in terms of applying those rules to children.

Educating children is not an easy task. It takes struggle and patience of parents to be able to educate their children to be good human beings and also qualified. 

Hopefully useful.

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